Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 2- Goal Setting

"The vital difference between dreamers and achievers boils down to some very basic, simple habits". Decide your goals, write them down and consistently check in, got it...
Here goes. Challenging and rewarding all at the same time, realness here we go...

1) In have spent the last 12 months training for the Disney Half Marathon and completed it.
     a) I created a workout regimen for each month
     b) I entered my food into
     c) I checked in with my accountability partner and made sure she was staying on track
2) I have paid off my cc and have not used it 
3) I focused on my Masters in Comm papers and have completed them both
4) I have met 12 new people and weeded through to find the positive and uplifting ones
5) I completed 4 paintings in the last 12 months and am working on getting them in a gallery
6) I have committed one week a year to completely disconnect, no facebook, no email, no ipod, no cellphone
7) I have paid off ALL the hospital bills
8) .......

Okay, needing to think on some others. I know one is a relationship but I am not sure what I want. Is it wrong that I dont know what I want?  I dont know that I want to be married. I want to be in a meaningful relationship. One where communication is key and while there are arguments and disagreements, there is understanding and honesty without regret.

So anyway, more thinking...


Dad said...

Is this a wish list or has this happened? If it's a wish list, good luck, and if it's done, FANTASTIC!!!!! Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad,

It is a wish list of sorts. The idea is to make your goals stick. You choose ten goals you think would be totally cool if they were completed in twelve months. Then you put them in the "I have" form to make sure that you make them happen. Nobody wants to have to look back at a list and say, hey I am sorry I didnt complete this but...excuses, excuses, excuses.

So mark your calendar cause in 12 months you should definitely check back in and see where I am on this.

Thanks for reading :D and for the good luck wishes