Thursday, September 27, 2007

The newest pic of Baby E and Steve. She has two teeth now. They are sharp and she knows what to do with them. UGH! She is growing soooooo fast! I will have more hopefully this weekend and then I will post them.
Here is the latest pic of Toni.
This is me and my friends. Me, then leta then steph at the Royals game. None of us are Royals fans it was a free game for military appreciation day. It was a good game. The hot dogs were AMAZING!
This is Steph and Louis. Guess where he is from. Ha ha. They love each other a little. :D
This is Leta and Drew, they kind of like each other a little too. Drew is a friend who was in the military here. He got out and moved back to Maine. I kind of miss him and his laughter, a little. Leta gets to go visit him for Thanksgiving.

Okay, now for the big news. I AM GOING TO TN! I am going on vacation in two weeks to the Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge area. I am really excited and can guarantee there will be a TON of pics. So keep an eye out.

Hope you all are amazingly good may God bless you and keep you safe! Love Kandi

Monday, September 17, 2007

So, no new pics yet, the camera is loaded full but have to develop. Dont see that happening till payday! Ha, ha.

In the world of me:
Toni and steve got a new puppy. His name is Haus! He is adorable and loves me. I must admit I was a little mad at first but then he whinned at me and how can you stay mad!

Baby E has apparently taken a few steps by herself. I have, however, not seen this phenomenon.
She also has one tooth fully through and you can see the four front top teeth coming to teh service. She is getting so big adn has so much hair!!!

Okay so that is all the updates I can think of. I will get pictures up ASAP I promise!