Friday, July 18, 2008

Baby E at the fair

Again this year Baby E was in the Baby contest at the fair. She was dressed in traditional fair attire and pink to top off the Baby Girl cute look. She didnt win but everyone said afterwards she should have, I cant argue with that. I definitely thought she was the cutest one there.
Daddy with his girl
After the baby show we went to the petting zoo, I dont know where those pics are but if find them I will definitely add them.
After the petting zoo we went on to the hobo contest,

Multi-tasker in training

The other competitors in the fairy tale contest

Putting the money she won for the hobo contest in her pail

She likes to fill her pail and then empty and do it all over again. But look how cute she looks doing it. And the farmer tan lines, gotta love it!
The newest pictures of the newest member of the Runyon family, Gus.

Action shot, he was okay with the string, he acted like a dog but got a couple of spurts a play mode where he tried to eat the string.

And last but not lesat this is toni's new hair cut, pretty cute. Mom has a new one too I hear but I havent seen it yet. Keep ya posted.

Love you guys, miss you much and pray God keeps you helathy, happy and safe :D

Baby E on the fourth

The most important thing ever in my whole life, the love of my life, Baby E :D
Playing in the back yard, make sure you comment on the grass and how beautiful it is the next time you talk to Dad
;)Her buddy blue. He protects her really.
Us laying out, we had to flip her.
Yep, Jake does still exist see, here he is..
Oh no, this is the temper tantrum, then you tell her to get something for you or put something in the trash and she is fine it is miraculous how she turns it on and off
Ghetto parking valet's let me tell you what. Just kidding, it was to keep them safe from the fireworks extravaganza soon to come. Moms new van, my new truck and dads latest play toy the Jeep.
AW! look how cute they are. And no, you definitely cant tell whos kid she is :D
The funnest part of the whole night. I decided I wanted a Pinata for the b-day. So we got one, apparently the cheaper you go the more cardboard they use and the harder it is to bust open.

First try we broke the string holding it up in half, go us
Then baby E had another go only she is a lover not a fighter and didnt like hitting the horse
I on the other hand had no problem with it! Because the sun went down faster than usual we had to get some lighting, remember the ghetto valet, yeah well the cars got to double as the ghetto lighting fixtures! Oh yeah, only in MO
Then we let Toni hit the pinata, and well a picture is worth a thousand words. Ha ha!
The night just getting started. Tiki torches, check, Lawn furniture, check, fire pit, check, music, check, piro's, check. Okay we are good.....Baby E's first sparkler....

It scared her at first but then she got to the point where she wanted to keep lighting them :D
Then we started the bigger ones :D

And alas, half way through the little person started loosing the battle to stay awake. So we chilled till she was pretty much limp, it was amazing.


Okay please, please keep in mind that the items that I paint are not my ideas, I just do what the people I am painting for pay me to do. I dont particularly like the colliseum and the leaning tower together, it just doesnt work for me especially considering they are in two totally different parts of Italy but here ya go, this is the process, mostly. I was okay with the end product but learned ALOT! from this job. ANd ALOT! about scaffelding. Fun times let me tell ya. Enjoy.

The beginning


Sketching on the buildings and the shadows

Okay the green is a long story but in short the guy didnt want to buy the paint I told him I needed so I tried to mix teh blue and yellow's I had, needless to say it was HORRIBLE!~ But keep going it gets fixed because I told him I wouldnt finish it unless he got me the paint I told him I needed before I even started the job.

Now we are adding the true white marble stonish stuff
He wanted it to say italy somewhere and he wanted a horse and carridge for this guy that works for him that actually leaved in Italy and had a farm and vineyard. Once he bought me the green it all came together. :D
This is the other wall and the happiness for me in this project :D It is of a canal in Venice, LOVE! So going there some day.
Note to self on this flag, it is supposed to be blowing in the wind. Hence the reason there is a fold where the whiteoverlaps the green. He had to complain abou teverything and the last thing he came up with was the flag looks weird. At that point, after no bathrrom for a 14 hour day, no AC, working on scaffelding, no paint, him being late twice and then rescheduling at the very freaking end of the day of me waiting for him I was not really caring. I didnt charge him enough for what I painted to begin with and then he was a jerk. Note to self put a jerk clause on the contract from now on. And the finished beautifulness. :D Sorry the pics are weird but it was up high.
Hope you enjoyed

Monday, July 7, 2008

She is an artist already!

Hello everyone :D
Hope your 4th was amazing! Lots of fun stuff to come, gotta wait for pics to get transfered. These are some I took with my camera though. They are all of my life's heart and love. Baby E of course. :D Enjoy
She was walking around holding her dress up, it was the funniest thing ever. We may need to work on how high she lifts it but all in all she is staying girlish :D
This is her telling me to stop it with the camera already! But really as she was coloring, you can see the creations behind her, she started walking up to the plants and the grass and coloring them. Then she started waving the chalk up in the air. When we watched her closer she was drawing the clouds! It was so awesome. I am so proud :D

This is her not being a daddy's girl. Nope, never. Look how gorgeous and happy she is.

Then we went inside and she threw a fit! She wanted to go back outside. Once we did, she kept making me go into the garage. Finally I figured it out! She wanted a pop sicle, hello! It was on then. She looked like she couldnt breath cause her whole mouth was purple :D

Her mommy wanted to watch Spiderwick so we put it in and she was glued, she got so excited when the flower fairies came out of the flower bushes. It was so cute. :D

More to come stay tuned