The most important thing ever in my whole life, the love of my life, Baby E :D
Playing in the back yard, make sure you comment on the grass and how beautiful it is the next time you talk to Dad
Her buddy blue. He protects her really.
Us laying out, we had to flip her.
Yep, Jake does still exist see, here he is..
Oh no, this is the temper tantrum, then you tell her to get something for you or put something in the trash and she is fine it is miraculous how she turns it on and off
Ghetto parking valet's let me tell you what. Just kidding, it was to keep them safe from the fireworks extravaganza soon to come. Moms new van, my new truck and dads latest play toy the Jeep.
AW! look how cute they are. And no, you definitely cant tell whos kid she is :D
The funnest part of the whole night. I decided I wanted a Pinata for the b-day. So we got one, apparently the cheaper you go the more cardboard they use and the harder it is to bust open.
First try we broke the string holding it up in half, go us
Then baby E had another go only she is a lover not a fighter and didnt like hitting the horse
I on the other hand had no problem with it!
Because the sun went down faster than usual we had to get some lighting, remember the ghetto valet, yeah well the cars got to double as the ghetto lighting fixtures! Oh yeah, only in MO

The funnest part of the whole night. I decided I wanted a Pinata for the b-day. So we got one, apparently the cheaper you go the more cardboard they use and the harder it is to bust open.

Then we let Toni hit the pinata, and well a picture is worth a thousand words. Ha ha!
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