Thursday, October 27, 2011


Yesterday was extremely stressful and today was even worse. I know that things are going to be ten times better now but, WOW! I dont know that the craziness was work it but I think what i accomplished was worth it. I cant wait to hit the road and work through all the stress, the anxiety and unsuredness of the past week. It will be GREAT!

I think I may dress up for the Halloween Zumba class. Have to hit the dollar store tomorrow and get a few things. I am so glad to be back at the right time. I did so love my Zumba classes and Instructor. The DVD's just dont hold up to an in-person instructor.

My sister has decided to run the 5K. She is excited but nervous, just as I was the first go round. I will be running the 10K. I am just as nervous as I was for the 5K but more amped about finishing this one. It is half way to my half marathon. It has taken me a lot longer than it would most people but I am getting there. It will all work out eventually and I will be all kinds of rocking it.

Will let you know how it goes and get pics. See you then...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10K Here I come

So this weekend is the first 10K!  It is going to be awesome. I am having my doubt stage right now but I am totally going to work through it. Like my great friend D.D. says, it is how fast you run or walk it is that you finish the race. I am so there! Also looking forward to the Studio Arriba Halloween Party Zumba night :D

The food thing is going great, really working at watching what I eat, getting in 1750-1900 calories depending on the workout and tracking EVERYTHING!  You dont realize how much you put in or dont put in your mouth until you keep track. A deficit of 400 calories a day is not good and if you are working out it is REALLY not good. But I am working with it.

Work is getting crazy, 16 days and counting. When this whole 50th Celebration thing is over we will all sing and dance in rejoice.

CAN NOT! wait for Thanksgiving and my south east trip. Jekyl Island, St. Simon, Plains Ga & Habitat, Monroes Hot Dogs, Marrice's fried chicken, Birthday celebrations, deep south church visit, Disneyland, pool side fun, and more!  No kidding it is going to be a busy two weeks but OOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome it will be :D 

Well gonna go, thanks for reading and believing.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rocking the food and makin it real

So this lady I know, Coach Samm (on Facecbook), keeps sayin that the key to loosing weight starts in the kitchen. I know it has a big impact but is it the key?

I started tracking what I was eating on and WOW! First of all I have an average deficit of 400 calories, A DAY! I feel like I am shoving food in my mouth all the time. I have learned quite a few things from this little project. First is that while you might be shoving food in your mouth, if it isnt things your body needs to use for energy it isnt doing you any good. So although you can get 300 calories from a McDonald's Frappe and it fills you up and gives you energy, it is short lived and really spikes your blood sugar. Once your blood sugar is spiked it is hard for your body to balance but it is also hard for everything to settle down. Everything you eat after that point is used incorrectly by your body because it is trying to balance at the same time it is looking for what it needs.

Since I watched my food intake and tried balancing sugar, fat, and calories I have lost 6.6. pounds. NO KIDDING!  While it doesnt seem like a lot it is RIDICULOUS for me. I have a hard time loosing weight period and to see any lose is great.

Add in the workouts that D.D. and Kaci and everyone who is a part of Team Quest and you get some pretty awesome moves, moods, and more :D

See ya again soon