Tuesday, November 24, 2009


New beginnings always start with being honest. In each truth I find myself looking back and wondering why I hadn't done that sooner. Why didn't you just say no? Why didn't you just trust? Why do you always have to push away? These are known as the "Why" questions. I have decided this year that instead of doing a new year's resolution I am going to do a thanksgiving resolution. I am resolving to write down every "Why" question I can think of right this second. It is one I can hold myself to and there are no strings attached. I will be thankful for each of them and try to make a difference in some of them. I can not conquer the world and I cant fix these things, but if I can help just one person through any part or the whole of any of the "Why's" below I will have accomplished something great.

So, truth:
  • Why do people have to hurt?
  • Why do people have to be alone?
  • Why do guys feel the need to assume you want a relationship if you talk to them more than once a month? Cant we just be friends and hang out with out having to be more?
  • Why is it that some people can shove food in their mouths on Thanksgiving without taking into account that some people don't get that chance?
  • Why do people complain about the homeless on the street but don't take the time to help one find their way back?
  • Why do people complain about religion in schools, on money and in federal buildings?
  • Why don't I trust people?
  • Why do people talk about each other behind the others back?
  • Why do I judge people before I get to know them?
  • Why do I have to be alone in this walk through life?
  • Why do children and parents have to question the safety of the school or day care they go to because people are so bad?
  • Why do kids have to go through life with out their parents because of work, divorce or even death?
  • Why does the military of the U.S. have to protect everyone else at such a high cost?
  • Why do more people in America realize what the military does for them?
  • Why is it that I don't see the blessing in the curse?
  • Why cant he walk?
  • Why cant he see?
  • Why are there so many homes and lives that are being destroyed because of something that a few people caused?
  • Why do Americans feel like we need to buy from other countries just so we can get things cheaper?
  • Why cant I forgive?
  • Why cant I forget?
  • Why do people not appreciate the gift they have in love?
  • Why cant I be like older people who just don't give a darn anymore?
  • Why am I so afraid to cry?
  • Why does society still push marriage as the solution to everything?
  • Why do people have babies to fix marriages?
  • Why do people get married to fix their relationships?
  • Why do people enjoy porn so much when there is so much more real beauty in the world to enjoy?
  • Why do people fight over items on Black Friday that cost hundreds of dollars, or even ten, when there are people that aren't able to give anything?
  • Why do so many animals depend on us and us on them and we still cant find a balance?
  • Why cant I make a difference?
  • Why cant I find a job that lets me make a difference for a living?
  • Why do so many people get beaten and get to that place where they think it is okay?
  • Why do so many people that have jobs right now get paid so much to do nothing when there are plenty of people that could do the same thing for 1/4 of the price and be able to feed their families?
  • Why cant I concentrate on school?
  • Why doesn't my family understand my need to make a difference, whether it with a smile, giving back the money I found on the floor, feeding people on thanksgiving, giving someone the extra shampoo or toothpaste I have, or giving someone a meal who is standing on the street begging for food?
  • Why do I have so much, long for more, and strive to give?
  • Why does Baby E love me so unconditionally and I her?
  • Why wasn't I there when she was born?
  • Why do I worry about her ALL the time?
  • Why cant I help those closest to me?
  • Why cant I share myself with the friends I hold dear?

Well, there you have it. The list as it is. I am sure there are a million more "Why's" going through my head. These are the ones that are standing out right now. I want to be that person that answers the why questions instead of just asking them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The rodeo

Of course we have to start off with the most important part of the rodeo. E :D One of the grandma's got her this shirt and she was so excited to wear it to the rodeo. Sorry I dont know which one, but thank you. She loved it.
First on the list is the barrels. Here you see the man on the fence who is one of the time keepers. The horses enter from his right and go for it.
Elane was asking mommy if she could do it and telling her the girl on her shirt was running barrels too.
Next was the calf roping, sorry to say only one team actually roped the calf.
Calf, check, ropers, no.
Now for the fun part. BULLS!
First out of the gate, not a nice bull.
The clown, hillarious!!!!!!!! I about fell out of the stand. He was not right. There was one point in the evening when his pants feel to his ankles, lovin the chilli pepper boxers! :D

Now for the real excitement, the bulls. They were all so fast I only got one good shot of a guy actually on the bull. Here are the bulls.

You ever get the feeling you are being watched?
She loved the bulls. She was clapping and screaming go bull go!
This kid stayed on and won it for the night. He was a little excited.
And she is out, she didnt even make it out of the field we were parked in.
More pictures to come. . .