Tuesday, November 8, 2011

10K, 5K, and then some

So the weekend before last I ran the 10K. OIE!  The night before we decided to do Zumba for the Halloween party. We didnt know that it was a hour and a half or two hours. It was CRAZY!  The best halloween party I have ever been too. YAY! For grown ups who get to dress up and act like kids.

Okay, lets talk about pain. WHEW! I know that I didnt train enough for it before hand but the 10K was KILLER. I was working hard and pushing myself the entire time but I know I could have done way better. I finished in one hour and thirty eight minutes. I will say though that it was stellar for my first 10K.  This hills were ridiculous and all I could hear in my head was the race announcer saying that this years race was a lot more runner friendly than it was last year???  Really, then I am sorry for the peeps who did it last year.

D.D., the rock that is my motivation, pushed me. We made it up the ridiculous hill that claimed my Army career. We pushed it at the end and sprinted across the finish line. I really couldnt feel my entier lower body for the sprint but I pushed it. I couldnt walk for two days, seriously, but I think it was worth it. And definitely look forward to the next one. 

This weekend Toni calls me on Friday night and asks if I am running the Trek for Tristan 5K.  I had no intention to but she really wanted to so I said I would if she did. We did. I sucked. My legs just arent strong enough and wouldnt go. We did the 5K in a ridiculous 49 minutes but it got done. That my friends, is all that matters.

Work has been ridiculous because of our 50th Anniversary Celebration but it is almost here and I know it will beyond worth it.

No more races for a while because of money and the holidays and vacation :D  SOOOOOO EXCITED about vacation. I will be going to Florida and spending a week then a couple of days in Georgia. I get to see some really great people and catch up with my other family. I get to see Jekyl and St. Simon Islands (OCEAN! :D), eat Monroe's hot dogs and Marice's fried chicken. Visit Habitat for Humanity, see a beautiful Ga town, spanish moss and more. I will sit by the pool and run in the heat. I may even get to do Disneyworld. I really need a break and I am beyond blessed to have the opportunity to do this. It would not have been possible with out my other mother, Jean Turner. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THANKSGIVING ALL WRAPPED UP IN ONE!

I pray all of you are doing well and look forward to telling you more soon.

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