DOUBLE TAKE! All though the red one did not have the traditional white scoops on the side we forgave him and loved the fact that he put a brand new Corvette engine in an old car, wonder what it could do, he wouldnt let me try ;)
We got a little bored by the cars so we went in to the Bass Pro, here is Elane watching slow pokes Grandpa and Mommy coming up in the elevator. She was so excited she covered her mouth
Then on Sunday for father's day we took Dad and Steve out to dinner. On the way there a song came on the radio and Baby E just started belting it out. Really Look...
When we go to the restaraunt she wanted to run around. We didnt care but then more kids came in and we figured grandpa should hold her. He isnt proud or happy in this picture, nope, not at all :D
Baby E was trying to share the love, she was giving licks and open mouth kisses because I stuck my tongue out at her! Ha ha. It was great :D
Okay well that is all I have, Happy Father's Day to all you dad's, grandpa's, and great's! :D Thank you for all the well wishes on the new job. Will keep you posted.
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