Okay so here are a few pics from my trip to Cancun. Thank you to my parents for taking me. It was a once in a lifetime experience.
This is looking out my airplane window, this is the coast of mexico.

This is our hotel, Barcelo, it was the concrete they use to build with a really cool painting technique on the outside, it is basically rubbed clay, okay but I wont bore you with that.

Me on the beach, what can I say it just fits.

Sunset on the first night, we got checked into the room around 3 and then went straight to the beach. This was our welcome.
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad and one of the Mayan Gods that guarded out section of the hotel.
Wedding.... someday, it was set up and would be taking place as the sun sets. I will be having a sunrise wedding FYI be prepared , haha.

Another sunset. This is me on the pier with the hotel and the beach behind me.

Guess who this is...

My postcard picture :D No really I took this and think it should be a postcard.

This was our trip to TULUM, formerly known as Zama, meaning city of the Dawn. Mayan ruins in Quai Roo Mexico

In the back you can see the main temple in the middle. The building directly to the left of it is the teller of the end of the world.

This was our guide. He is of Mayan decent. He had doubled lids. He lifted up the first set you see and had another set like ours would be underneath. Weird but cool! The picture he is holding shows what the ruins were supposed to look like back in the day. The beach is up against a probably 200 feet cliff. This was used for safety and as a port. Tulum was believed to be the place that all mayans came to get blessed so they could procreate. At some point in a young mayan girls life she would make the journey here, stay in the building six pictures down the one of the man face, and be blessed.....

Little bit of info in spanish

Closer up picture of the main temple, just amazing!

Okay, if you know me at all you know that I fully appreciate the male and female figures, hence the reason I feel the need to share these with you.......

Ha ha sorry, I couldnt resist....
Okay but seriously, here is my dad learning how to sale, the yellow flag went up while he was in the water meaning they caution you if you are in the water. It was a rocky ride they made it back but we didnt get to go out. :( I so wanted to learn. Maybe one day he will teach me. My father did however feel the need to tell them all that I was single and as soon as they got back from the boat every guy that worked there knew, one of them even asked if I was his papasita. You will see him later..

I gave my mom body surfing lessons but she was terrified and called it quits on the big waves, here is me attempting

Oh yeah, they QUIT! No worries, we went Kayaking instead. :D This is me and dad.

Then we went to our first 5 star restaraunt. I dont reccomend it. Not worth the money for the tiny amount of food you get and are TERRIFIED TO EAT! Thank god it was all inclusive or I would have felt extremely bad! The cranberry daquiries on the other hand were amazing. Werent they dad? Oh thats right he was drunk!
Another artistic moment
Me impersonating my father

The sombraroes , oh yeah baby we are styling!

The last full day we were there I wanted to get up and watch the sunrise. Can I just say all of God's wonder showed up and it amazes me. Thank you God for making it possible and for giving us such beauty!
WOWOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Thanks for sharing the pics. Jason doesn't know how to swim so I doubt we'll ever go to an island together. He just never learned! Your pictures are great. I love the artistic one you took at dinner and of course the sunrise and sunsets. Looks like you had a BLAST!
I'm SO jealous!!
The weather, the sunrise and sunsets, the fun activities...everything!
You guys seemed to have a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing the pics and congrats to your sister!!!!
Sandy Cruz
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