Okay so nothing has really been happening. Spring is poking its head in and out but hasnt really declared it is here. I SOOOOOOOOO wish it would hurry up!
Baby E is getting so big. She is running and talking and yes is still not 20 pounds yet. :D If you remember toni when she was young, she didnt grow either for a long time. Here is the latest pic I have of her. She came to visit me at work and just took over. I dont know what got into her.

Toni and Steve are well. Toni just got a new truck from the accident. A 2006 Trail Blazer. It is nice. It has a 6 CD disc changer and she is extremely excited about it. I drove it and it felt like driving a tank compared to my blazer.
Mom and Dad are both doing good. I think we are all finally clear of that evil upper respiratory infection junk and moving on. Now it is flu season. Lets hope we dont pass that one around.
I hope this finds all of you well. I hope you too will be enjoying the tid bits of spring. I know I am beyond ready. Miss you all and love you.
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