Monday, November 26, 2007


Everyone meet my two closest friends leta and steph. Ha ha. This is my apartment and we were having a girls night but I didnt have the heat on yet so we were freezing. THANK GOD for mink blankets and military dad's that were once stationed in korea. :D

This was my birthday present from my parents. As we all know I am a freak about the Titanic. I love teh history, hard work and tragedy that surrounds it. So anyway, in Branson they made a replica. This is only half the size of the real ship but it was still amazing! They would not let you take pics inside do to copyright laws so all you get is the outside. But here ya go, enjoy!
Me, mom and dad. WHOS EXCITED?????

This is me standing about half way up it taking a pic straight up. The white blob on the left is the iceberg, it is approximated size because they dont actually know how big it was.

The glamour shot! Oh yeah baby.

Okay not really but it getsmore of the whole size and people comparison thing. :D


Treysons said...

The Denver Science Museum currently has a traveling exhibit on the Titantic. Jason and I are attempting to go (when the roads are good).
The mink blanket: so funny cause my dad brought home two very similar ones also from Korea! Must be a popular tourist item.

Anonymous said...

Well said.