Friday, December 31, 2010
Yep, it is happening...
The simple fact is that I was always the one that was afraid to fail. So here goes. Whether I fail or not my New Years Resolution is to be in a half marathon this year. I am shooting for April but I have decided to not put such restrictions on myself. I will give it a year, and at that time I will have completed one.
The first step...
My sister bought me this amazing interval timer for Christmas, the first step is to learn how to use it and get my ass to the gym. I have no excuse as there is one less than a block from my house and it is free.
I will be honest and tell you that I need some encouragement and some accountability. Therefore, I will be getting one here every night to put up my totals for the day. I will tell you how far I ran, my time, my speed, all that jazz.
Now, it may be boring for you so you are not required to keep track. I am doing it as an accountability thing. I vow to be honest on the days that I will skip, I vow to be honest when I have puked my guts out (which I have been assured will probably happen), and I vow most of all to do this for me and no one else.
So here goes... day 1 is tomorrow, Saturday January 1st. See you back here. . .
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Planet Sub Cashier Godsmacked me
I am standing in line at Planet Sub and I have already ordered and I say "and whatever he wants..." and dad orders. I go to hand the guy my card as my dad is throwing twenty at him. The guy looks at me and flat out takes my dad's twenty. I am pissed because I was paying for lunch to say thanks for dad taking me around to help with my truck.
When I ask the guy why he took dads money he said "Because he is a gentlemen".
Yes, that was my first reaction. Then as I sat there waiting for them to bring out the subs I began to think. Which, as we know, is never good. But it occured to me that I was fighting with my dad over a sub sandwich. Not because it was devastational to me that he paid, not because I didnt appreciate him paying, but just because, because, yep, that was it, SMACK!
Why did I need to fight with him over a sub sandwich. He was showing me he loved me one of the ways he always has. But I always seem to fight with him about it because I feel I have to.
I feel I have to because he has spent 30 years taking care of me and I was always pissed about something. I was mad about his job, I was mad about a lot of things and I never just said thank you. I never once just let him do something without making a big deal of things.
I do this with all guys because I dont want them to take care of me, because, as my 4 year old niece says, "I can do it myself". I should just back off and let them pay for the sub and see what happens.
I chose to make an intentional decision about letting guys help, letting them pay and not feeling bad about it.
Thank you Planet Sub cashier guy for the Godsmack.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The innocence of little people
They were beautiful with their hearts opened wide at the possibility of what the world has to hold. I miss that feeling and dont know when it happened. I dont remember a specific date or a specific event that made the future seem impossible.
I think this retrospect comes at a great time with the holiday season coming up. The world, the children of the wolrd still have the greatest gift of all time. They can believe, they can trust, and they can be innocent with honestness of who they are. I vow to be a little more open this season. To be thankful for all things and willing to try new things. To be amazed by the little things that kids marvel at. I vow to learn from them and remember what it was like to just be.
Thank you to all the kids I saw this weekend and for God opening my eyes to one of the things I miss the most.
Monday, November 8, 2010
So this really hot guy came and connected my internet for me on Saturday. I talked, I flirted, and sadly I realized that he was at work and that he couldnt ask me for my number.
So, here is the question I pose, would it have been appropriate for him to ask? Should he have said screw it?
Would it have been appropriate for me to ask him fo his? Should I have said screw it?
Other thoughts?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Realness part 2
I went to a Cassarole party today. It was my first and I met some really great people there. I stepped outside my box and actually introduced myself to some people there. I noticed two things, I couldnt talk to the pretty girls and I couldnt talk to the guys. I know that I can, there was just this barrier that stopped me. So, I vow to work on this.
Last week I started running again. Well run/walking at Loose Park. First I would like to say this is a beautiful park. There is a lot of history there as well. I was running and had just started getting to the point were I am sucking air because I dont breath right when an older gentleman walked by and clapped at me. I almost decked him. My gut reaction is to be like, "What the hell is your problem asshole, just because I am fat doesnt mean I am out of shape or dont like to work out." I didnt I kept running and kept it in. I rounded the next corner and there was another guy walking and he clapped at me as I walked by. This through me over the edge, I lost all track of my breathing and running and couldnt keep going so I just started walking and gave up. I dont understand why I let those people have such a huge impact on my life but more importantly I dont know why I always think the most negative possibility. I automatically went to the idea that they were making fun of me instead of thinking that possibily they were rooting me on. Saying "Good job, keep it up".
This made me do a bit of self reflection about the negativity that I let myself fall into. So I have decided to try to be more positive and optimistic. I have made the decision to be intentional in my being positive instead of negative. I challenge you to do the same. When someone gives you that look that drives you crazy, go up to them, say hi and turn the negative reaction into something positive. When it is raining outside, or snowing :0(, I plan on being thankful because that means the Earth is healing itself and we still have a great piece of nature.
I have been doing more and more outside of my bubble and learning how much I missed by staying in all
the time. Kansas City is a huge town. I say this because it is a city but really has a small town feel. There is a ton of things to do here. There are a lot of great things that you can do for free, or really really cheap. I hope you guys can come and see some of the amazingness of Kansas City and I hope I get to see you here.
Try to be positive and be intentional, if you fail, try a little harder the next day.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
This is by no means the depths of my reality, it is only the surface, but it is a beginning, a planting of the seed of life if you will. The old seed must die before new life can begin. Again I say, BRING IT ON! and I encourage you to take a minute and be real with yourselves and more authentic with others. It is okay to cry, to laugh, to scream out in anger, or to crumple on the floor because you have no more to give. Know that I will be there to cry with you, to laugh with you and I pray with all my heart that when I am on the floor crumpled, forsaken and bruised that you too will be on the floor for me.
Also check out this page, It is amazing.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What more. . .

Monday, April 26, 2010
Well overdue UPDATES

We were lucky enough to be a part of a project that Habitat started called Tierra Prometida. This program has brought running, clean water and housing to communities in Laredo that would otherwise not have acceptable housing or water conditions. Here is our group, 28 in all.

We stopped at the Laredo visitors center. It was under construction but is still an amazing account of the culture that is so richely based in Laredo.
We then got showed to our rooms and were just so excited and wanted to crash. We stayed at a Baptist church which was newly remodeled and beautiful. We slept on cots which were really comfortable but there was another school with us and we ended up sleeping 40 in the room below. Needless to say if you rolled over you hit someone. So we got to know eachother way more than we had expected. It was great!

Of course we had evenings free so we toured Laredo. The first order of business, save Manny from Border Patrol. Just kidding. Manny and Jeff, our two resident Hispanic Breakers found the Border Patrol very appealing. When we went to the Rio Grande they were everywhere. So Manny and Jeff decided to go talk to them and ended up taking some very interesting pictures. No they did not actually get hauled away.

This is the Rio Grande which borders Laredo. Straight across you can see people enjoying the river on both sides.
Our next adventure while in Laredo was a hockey game. Yes, it was my first hockey game and I saw it in TX. Strange? So I must say that it is not as intense as football however, they basically got out on the ice and beat eachother against the glass, PAINFUL! even to watch.
The last night we were in Laredo the Habitat affiliate through us a Tex-Mex fiesta. It was AMAZING! This is what they fed us. Tamales, beans, nachos, rice, and fruit and celery to cool the heat. I could have eaten this all day long. They had a DJ, they had a park for us to run and play in, and they got us a PINATA! Then they gave us a stick to eat the pinata, NOT SMART! Thank GOD! no one got hurt but we did have to take one person down tackle style because they didnt hear us yell STOP!
Our next stop was the Alamo and the Riverwalk. The first thing our friend Manny did was get into the spirit. He so pulls this off it is scary.
This is the cacti that greeted us as we walked into the Alamo. It was HUGE! and gorgeous.
This is the Alamo. I was so excited to see it but so disappointed by the towering skyscrapers that surrounded it on all sides. Why cant we just leave little pieces of history as just that.
So now we are at the riverwalk. This is one of the many beautiful fountains that line the streets.
This is standing on a bridge looking down on the riverwalk. While this is not the restaraunt we ate at it is one of the many that also lines the streets. Where we were there was no rail and if I had scooted my chair back anymore I would have ended up in the river. IT WAS AWESOME!
Manny who wanted us all to feel his spirit payed for a Mariachi band to come serenade us. They were really good and totally let me get a picture with them. I dont have it on this computer to share but I so will later.
NEXT STOP, Saint Louis hairshow. Every year when Toni and her boss head to Saint Louis to catch up on the newest techniques, color, etc. they let me tag along. I honestly go to be a pack mule but also to hang out by the arch and enjoy the Landing. This is our room, long story short we were supposed to have a pool, no pool. Then the morning we left we woke up to no water. One of the pipes on the third floor burst so the elevators werent working, the water was off for a couple of hours and some of the electricity couldnt be turned on either. BUT, I did get free starbucks for it YES!
This is the view from our window. We got to watch a couple of weddings and a lot of fun families out enjoying the sun and greenness.
You cant tell but Toni and her boss DD are standing in the middle of the Arch. They wanted me to get it all in the pic, but that pretty much eliminated them.
We went to a casino the first night to kind of chill and just have a good time. We knew we could get some pretty awesome food so we went to this hamburger joint and this is my $20.00 hamburger and sweet potato fries, yum.
This is Toni and I at the slots. I tried not to play very much because I dont like wasting my money but as grandma and grandpa G say, I am supporting someone else's bad habit. But all in all it was a great night. Toni's boss won $40, Toni won $45 and as I was walking out I put a one dollar bill in a penny slot and won $60. I about fell out. I hit pay out and said okay, it is time to go home!
This is the hair show. The stylists do models hair and then the models walk around so everyone can see what they are doing and really get some great ideas. Check it out.
This was one of my favorites.
A couple of the stylists did the New York fashion shows this year and brought that into their work here. The ladies below then did a fashion/runway show.
That night we were exhausted but we knew the "Big Bang" was calling our names so we applied the hotness factor and headed out. This is Toni not liking the fact that I dressed her but looking too cute. She wore a cami which is my world and she detests butI think she pulled it off well.
This is all of us, (Kandi on the left, DD in the middle and Toni on the right) trying to take our own picture. Yeah we suck at it.
Toni and DD at the restaraunt on the Landing. We sat outside on the street and ate. Great atmosphere and great food. So much nicer than any "bar scenes" we have around here.
This, my friends, is the "Big Bang". This is our Bon Jovi look alike who also sounds just like him when he sings. It is a little whole in the wall bar with two pianos on stage. The guys playing can play all instruments and sing like no other. What you do is write a name of a song on a piece of paper and put it on their pianos, with donations of course. Then they randomly choose and play a song. They are very good at getting everyone in the audience involved and make even the most mundane songs HYSTERICAL!
This was a new guy, he was awesome also and hot so I had to get a pic.
So on the second day of the hair show we had a great surprise. Tabatha, from Tabatha's Salon takeover. She is brutally honest but she knows her stuff, both hair and business.
This hair style is kind of hard to see but it was so romantic and yet edgy that I had to get a pic. I also loved the dress.
As we were walking out the last day we saw another model who had yet to do her runway show. This is all hair! The hat on top is extensions twirled ridiculously tight and then attached to her head. UGH! It looked painful and heavy but it is amazing what they can do with hair.