Monday, October 22, 2007
This is the real coal train. I almost died from breathing in all the smoke but it was a fun ride.
This is dolly's church from in the mountains. They picked it up and brought it here. They did it to her home too.
These kids were all younger than me and had voices that were amazing. They changed their singing voices to sing songs from back in the day till now telling about how country music started and how it has become what it is today. The guy on the far right came down off stage adn asked me to dance with him. I did, but was red the whole time.
Glass Blowing, but not really cause it was sunday. It is just the furnace they heat the glass in
Old guy, being cute. I love old people. Their bodies and faces tell so much about them
Guess what this is, oh, another grist mill!
more tn, hopefully
Their were deer everywhere. They must have known they were safe because they didnt even flinch with people all around them. It was great to see.
Beautiful waters,
These are the falls I climbed the massive mountain for, They were gorgeous but still! DANG!
My photographic moment :D I was pretty proud
and yet another one, this is when I was headed back down the mountain. As you can tell the sun had definitely moved directions, cause it was like 4 hours later :D
Oh OH! I finally figured out how to make the timer work, kindof. If you notice there is no smile cause I was really tired of holding it at that point :D
Friday, October 19, 2007
more TN, baby E to follow
Yeah, this was only one little section of teh madness that I climbed to get to the falls.
This is the beginning of the place I went to. It is called Cade's Cove.
Okay well blogger isnt letting me add anymore pics so I will have to pause this again!!!!! I will try to add some tonight after work or throughout the day.
Have an amazing day. I love and miss you all!!!!!!!