Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Baby E
This is my christmas dress. Dont I look too cute.
I was a bunny for my grandpa runyon's church christmas pageant.
THEY WONT LET ME OUT!!!!! So what you in for?
Here is some of the snow. This is after it was cleaned off the first time. Then it snowed more.
The birds are freaking out about the fresh food we put out. The men were the first to come running. Imagine that. :D
From all of us to all of you.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Graduation and the surprises that came along with it
This is when we were standing before al the wonderful speeches. :D
This is after I walked across the stage and it is official. I am graduated! Hello world.
This is the whole family. from left to right- Edith, Grnadpa Orear, Grandma Orear, Jake, Me, Steve and Baby E, Toni and Dale.
And then the surprise.......
My parents gave me a lap top! I about died as you can see in the video. It is slick. I am using it right now to type this. My dad got wireless in the house so that when I am here I can use it to do whatever. He told me not to be in it all the time. Uh huh. Who used it mostly last night. Oh that was my dad. :D He likes it too. Ha ha.
Like the surprise at the end. Baby E started walking. She is practically walking now! It is crazy. Enjoy.
I am going to send thank you 's to everyone but I really want to say how much I appreciate everyone's support throughtout my college career. It relaly means a lot to have the backing of my family and friends. And thank you to everyone that gave me presents and money fro graduation you have no idea how much I appreciate it and how much it meant to me to see your kind words of support.
The next blog will be of Baby E and the snow
Monday, November 26, 2007
Everyone meet my two closest friends leta and steph. Ha ha. This is my apartment and we were having a girls night but I didnt have the heat on yet so we were freezing. THANK GOD for mink blankets and military dad's that were once stationed in korea. :D
This is me standing about half way up it taking a pic straight up. The white blob on the left is the iceberg, it is approximated size because they dont actually know how big it was.
The glamour shot! Oh yeah baby.
Okay not really but it getsmore of the whole size and people comparison thing. :D
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Baby E's First Real Halloween
Waiting patiently for aunt kandi to get home from work before she went trick or treating.
She has never been camera shy ever! I dont know.
Oh look, something on the ground, good lets put it in our mouth.
She is on the roof of the truck. Dare devil just like daddy who is holding her up there.
Oh yeah, bonfire and hunter orange, what more can you ask for.
One of Brittany's dogs had puppies. Baby E is so good with them.

Friday, November 2, 2007
Big Borther's Big Sisters Halloween Party
So anyway there is my soap box moment. This was for all the kids in the Johnson County area that in the program so that they could come and have fun for Halloween even if their parents couldn't afford costumes for them or pumpkins to carve. It was great!!!!! I hope you enjoy.
This is my little, she won, and no it wasnt rigged. ;)
These are the kids and their families, we had 45 kids show up and their parents and Big's
It got dark a lot faster than we had anticipated
We ate Pizza from Monetti's here in the burg, they donated three colossal pizza's for the three we bought. It was extremely generous since each pizza runs $20. SO thank you Monetti family.
Then we decorated Pumpkins that were also somewhat donated. I drove 45 minutes to this little Pumpkin patch in pleasant hill, mo. None of the big chains in the burg would help out at all, not even Wal-Mart. So I started calling around. These people had a ruff time with their crop and still were able to help us. They let us have $8 pumpkins for $1 a piece. They were amazing!
This is the kids at the end of the night with the pumpkins they donated
These are the big kids, ;)
No these are my fellow AMA'ers that came and helped keep everyone under control and add to teh fun atmosphere. WAY TO GO! Thank you guys.