Monday, November 21, 2011


I cant move on until I have these laid out but I seriously cant think of anything. Well I can think of a 1,000 things but none of which I can accomplish until I complete these. I have to do this for myself, no one else can help, I cant do these for other people.
1) I have spent the last 12 months training for the Disney Half Marathon and completed it

2) I have made my workout and food completion sheet

3) I have focused on my meals, meeting the caloric intake of 1900 a day, with 6 small meals and snacks to keep my metabolism going and will log it in

4)  I have paid off ALL the hospital bills

5)  I have committed one week a year to completely disconnect, no facebook, no email, no ipod, no cellphone

6) I have met 12 new people and weeded through to find the positive and uplifting ones

7) I focused on my Masters in Comm papers and have completed them both

8) I completed 4 paintings in the last 12 months and am working on getting them in a gallery

9) I have paid off my cc and have not used it
10) I have used my tax return to roll my cd into a Roth IRA, the beginning of a great future

WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All it takes is a little time and a lot of honesty on my part! Gotta start somewhere. :D

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