Sunday, August 10, 2008

Baby E's Summer Adventures Part I

The biggest horse in the world came to visit our little town and she got a first rate seat. Right up against the rails. These rails are usually about 8-10 feet tall and if you lok closely his but is above the rails. No he is not a clisedale. That is usually everyone's first question. He is in the same family of horse however.

Her next big event was the fire muster, it was suppsed to be after the fair in the pics you saw in the last set of blogs. They postponed it and just made it up, here are the pics from their games. They do things like shoot the keg across a line. It is basically tug of war in the sky with water hoses.

This year they had a mini me competition. Baby E of course took part. She was so not about the water hose. It terrified her. You can see it in her face if you look closely.

Then they did the water brigade . This is where they take water out of one bucket and throw it into or onto a builing, in this case a bucket. You will see the grown ups doing it later

It took her a couple of tries to get the hang of it. She is definitely into doing her own thing.

Then they do they body drag. They have a body dummy that for the grown ups ways 175 lbs. But for the little people it only had about 10 lbs and she kicked butt. She apparently had been practicing at the fire station while dad cleaned the machines.

Now its the big boys turns. Here is the water hose fight. They have to get dressed, get up unroll hoses, put them together and get in line to shoot the hose at the cone with a ball on top. Hit the ball off and you are good.

Here is the body drag as seen with the little kids.

Here's daddy in action.

Here is the water brigade.

Now here is the funniest thing you have ever seen. Baby E got to get a four wheeler. No kidding a kidie sized four wheeler. One of steve's friends had one in his garage for a long time it wasnt working so Steve tok it and fixed it up for her.
Watch out world she is battery operated and on 4 wheels!

Yes we know the hair is out of control, but she is helping daddy. Who has time for hair.

Here daddy let me hold this for you. No you are doing it wrong.

the birthday. Oh yeah second birthday. Grandpa bought balloons.

She chased them all over the house.

Mommy bought a cake, she can say cake and loves this one. She is a big fan of the tinkerbell

She had sparkling candles. They were supposed to be like sparklers but not so much.

Blowing out the candles was fun and she got it on the first try.

She actually stuck her fingers in it this year. Although she was looking around sheepishly because she was afraid someone would yell at her.

Then we cut her a piece and it was on! Hince the chocolate mustache. Which is another owrd she says and is very partial too. Toni trys to hide the chocolate in the fridge but she always finds it. She knows where it is and if Toni tells her that it isnt there she points to the second hiding spot.

Since yet again she didnt get really messy grandpa had to help out a little.
This is my favorite baby E face. Tell me what you think she is thinking here. :D

She is laughing her, she cant handle us busting up.

Until she doesnt think its so funny anymore.

And here is the end of the fun, licking the bottom of the tinkerbell to make sure she got all of the icing. She carried that thing around with her all day. We think she looks like tinkerbell. :D

Well more to come............................

Baby E's Summer Adventures Part II

Her babysitter got her a present. She had to wait till she opened all of them before she could open it. She is learning a lot of new words. She has learned Duck, and as soon as she saw it she said it. She is getting so smart.

This is her going "Oh God I hope this is the last one" :D

The most important birthday present she got was a tricycle. As soon as she saw it in Wal-Mart there was no going back EVER! She threw a fit. Then because we knew she liked it soooooo much, mommy and daddy got it for her. She screamed when she saw it. We hide it in the bathroom till she got to it. All the other presents came first.

Letting Grandma push, its tiring using your legs so much to push yourself.

Helping dad move the seat up some.

Loves you! MUAH!

Grandma playing teeter-totter with Baby E

She always need help to start off with. :D

Her big girl slide, she loves it.

She doesnt know it but the fishies died. She still goes to the edge of the pond and calls them out to play.

The love of my life is growing up andlook how gorgeous she is. She just glows like a light that makes the world a happy place to be.

Sorry this is side ways. Toni taped it sideways and it really isnt getting straight, but it is funny. This is Baby E at the State Fair right outside the huge rodeo arena. They had a local band playing some music and she kind of liked it.